
Our Inspiration

Every girl struggles with the desire to appear attractive and modern in her attire, but at the same time, not cross the line of “showing too much”. Our hope is that through this website you can find “your space” in between these two lines. Throughout this website we will be giving advice on hair, makeup, skin-care, and fashion. We also want to emphasize through this website your inward beauty. Even though looking pretty on the outside is very important, one day, you will get old, and you won’t look the same way that you did at 17; however, when you build your beauty on the outside and inside, your beauty will never fail, no matter how old you get; and one day, when you are old, and gorgeous on the inside, people will still consider you as a beautiful person.

Ezekiel 3:3-4 says: Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. 4Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight.

Now, we don’t necessarily find our beauty in braided hair nowadays, but what the author is trying to emphasize is this: Your beauty should not be judged by your outward appearance; such as expensive name brand clothes, the latest designer bag, the newest iPod®, the most expensive cell phone, or the hottest boyfriend. Instead, your beauty should be judged by your patience, kindness, and unselfishness towards other, which God thinks makes you beautiful.

Lastly, our inspiration for this website is that we find a desperate need for a positive, uplifting, yet modern websites for girls to turn for their fashion wants.

Contact us with any questions on hair, makeup, skin-care, fashion or anything else at modern.modest@gmail.com

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