
Things About Guys You Need to Hear

Guys can be many things. They can be fun, annoying, cute, or gross. But with every guy there are certain characteristics which remain the same throughout the entire male gender.

  1. Guys love encouragement. Guys are built differently than girls, both physically and mentally. We girls love to hear if a guy finds us attractive. Don't you think guys would like to hear encouragement too? Underneath it all, guys are very insecure; the male ego is a very fragile thing. Except for the Sadie Hawkins Dance, guys have to make the pursuit, which for anyone is a scary thing. When you make fun of a guy, he does not always take it as lightly as you thought he would. Be careful, remember: their self-image is a very important thing, as well is the image that their friends have of them.
  2. Guys want different things out of a relationship than girls. Girls just want to feel loved and know that the guy you love finds you attractive..I could not understand more. However, guys are not thinking that deeply about relationships. From the time we were little we have thought about marriage. We played with dolls when were young, knowing that one day we would get married and have kids. Unfortunately, guys are not thinking about that now. Guys want that security in a relationship that girls do, but they also want to benefit from the status it brings them, and whatever amount of yourself you are willing to give away. "Guys give love to get sex, girls give sex to get love." I'm not sure who said that, what it is a very interesting statement. I'm sure you've heard over a hundred times that true love waits..sometimes I wonder how that is possible. With all the peer pressure to start dating once you start middle school, it's become almost impossible. My advice for you is to not date until you are really ready to get married..I know it's sad and it will be hard, but I know that it will be well worth the wait. There is no benefit from dating until you are ready to get married. Paul once said "Everything is permissible, but not everything is beneficial.", Solomon also wisely said "Do not awake love before it's time." I personally have chosen to save myself for marriage, but to also save myself to only date someone I really think I would want to spend the rest of my life with, which means not dating for years. Remember, through your struggle for purity, you are not alone. Your greatest lover is Christ. After all, what is a greater example of love than dying for your bride? Christ was so enraptured with your beauty he died for you. He is enthralled with your beauty; he calls you beloved! You are fearfully and wonderfully made. He did not make any mistakes when he created you..He loves you! So, be careful. Guard your heart, and for now, remember who loves you unconditionally.
  3. I have found that being friends with guys is very beneficial. That way, you are under no pressure whatsoever to do anything beyond your comfort zone, and you get to see what guys are really like because they don't have their guard up trying to impress you as they would if you were dating. Guys can be hilarious! I have a couple of guy-friends who I enjoy spending time with in school. Guys can even be funner to be around sometimes than girls.
  4. Guys are very visual. You need to be careful. Whenever you wear a very revealing shirt, or wear ultra tight pants, or a mini skirt that barely covers anything; they notice, and not in a good way. I'm not saying that you can't wear clothes that compliment your figure, but you need to be careful that you're not being a stumbling block for guys. The same goes for giving guys a hug. If you haven't noticed already, that allows them to touch your breasts. Although guys can be very self-seeking, they're struggling for purity too: keep that in mind.

Please e-mail us with any questions or comments you might have at modern.modest@gmail.com

1 comment:

  1. Amen. Very good. It's interesting; a lot of what you said is in our Family Life skills book! :P
